On September 22, 2021, new Certificate of Need (CON) Cardiac Catheterization Review Standards took effect in Michigan. These standards are requirements for approval of the initiation, replacement, expansion, or acquisition of cardiac catheterization services, and the delivery of these services. To view the new standards, please visit:

CC_Standards_204884_7.pdf (michigan.gov).


To begin the application process, the first step is the Letter of Intent (LOI), just please make sure you meet the requirements in the above Review Standards. LOI instructions can be found here: MDHHS - Submit a Letter of Intent (michigan.gov). The “agent” will go to the MiLogin system and submit the LOI electronically. If whomever is submitting the LOI does not have access to MiLogin, instructions on how to gain access can be found here: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71551_2945_5106-165238--,00.html.


Once the LOI is submitted, the Department has 15 days to process it. Once it is processed, an email will be sent to the “agent” letting them know the assigned CON number and that an application can be submitted. The applicant/agent has one year to submit the application before the LOI expires and the process would have to begin again. No application, forms, or documents will be accepted until after the LOI is processed. As part of processing the LOI, all required forms and documents are assigned. These can be found under the CON Application link after the LOI processing, at MDHHS - Submit a CON Application (michigan.gov).


Please note, if you are applying for both an FSOF/ASC and CCL, they will have to be submitted separately.


For questions regarding the LOI and application, please contact (517) 241-3348 or visit the Certificate of Need website at www.michigan.gov/com.